Tarot Tuesday is a purely generative and recurring online workshop via Zoom that takes place the first Tuesday of each month. Novelist, Witch, & Creative Writing Midwife, Sarah Elizabeth Schantz uses the Tarot (and other oracular methods) to generate a series of writing prompts designed to awaken or feed The Muse via divination while simultaneously providing a forecast for the month to come and individual and collective reflection of the human experience.
These workshops are meant to inspire and influence you as a writer by experimenting with divinatory poetics, and especially the Tarot. The oracular approach helps shape the writing to come as each monthly session builds upon the ones before to serve as chapters in the story of life.
Sarah is intuitive when she designs each particular Tarot Tuesday so participants should expect the monthly sessions to vary. These generative workshops differ based on what the cards themselves have to say as well as the time of year, the season, the turning of the wheel, and the zeitgeist. So far, though a combination of devote regulars, and a steady cycle of new writers joining the Zoom room, a collective of Guides & Ancestors have fused together to further channel a community narrative where all the spreads correspond with each other in a way that an ongoing saga is actively being composed to create a big picture divination that can be read in tandem with the monthly messages and lessons. This divinatory narrative thrives off the energy of new participants just as it appreciates and honors the foundation created by those who return.
For each new month, in addition to the forecast for the collective, there will always be some level of individual divination for every participant. Based on the spread, and the message from beyond the veil, Sarah then creates "literary prescriptions" and other suggested rituals to practice as the participants move forward on both the page and through the space of the daydream that is a writer's life (with a specific focus on how to take care of oneself and each other in a world where artists should be valued more).

"I'm in awe of Sarah's gifts,
let it be known!"
—Selah Saterstrom, novelist & medium
These workshops will take place the first Tuesday of every month from 10:00-11:15 a.m. MST (online via Zoom). For poets & prose writers alike. All levels. Open to anyone anywhere with a Zoom account who can figure out the time zone differences on their own. While you can attempt to get into a workshop last minute, to guarantee a seat, and to make Sarah's life easier, it's appreciated if you register ahead of time (and ideally pay in advance). If payment is not received within 72 hours of the Tuesday you signed up for, you will not receive the Zoom link.
Because so many beloved regulars had to go back into the real world once the lockdown unlocked, we have decided to offer the video of each Tarot Tuesday to those who can't attend remotely (you will also still get Personal Cards too). We encourage you to participate with us if you can, but if you can't, we do not want to leave anyone out.
If you'd like to gift someone a Tarot Tuesday (or even a Tarot Tuesday "punchcard"), that is possible (just email us and we will make the arrangements).
Each month there will be room for 15 participants (with flexibility).
$15-35 sliding scale. If you are in a position to donate toward the (W)rites of Passage donation fund we would greatly appreciate the support.
You can register for one, two, or all of the following dates:
October 1st
November 5th
December 3rd
January 7th
(The New Year Special!)
February 4th
March 4th
April 1st
May 6th
June 3rd
July 1st
August 5th
September 2nd
October 7th
November 4th
December 2nd
Gift certificates available

To register, email us at: writesofpassage13@gmail.com
In regard to a Tarot Tuesday experience, writer & librarian Sherri Pauli said: "The workshop was a lovely piece of beauty sandwiched between two pieces of work[day] bread. It was like the chocolate in a pan au chocolat, or like the freshest strawberry rhubarb jam, or maybe a super dark and luscious blueberry or blackberry jam."