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a creative writing workshop series in 2023


WEEK ONE: Stillness (Jan. 28th)

WEEK TWO: Silence (Feb. 4th)

WEEK THREE: Snow (Feb. 11th)

WEEK FOUR: Ice (Feb. 18th)

WEEK FIVE: White (Feb. 25th)

WEEK SIX: Surfacing (March 4th)



All workshops will be on Zoom, Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. MST

Each Saturday has an individual sub theme designed to compliment the overall concept of "Still Winter." While the fall series before this was craft-heavy, this six-week series will be a contemplative study of the spell of stillness and silence winter is known to cast. Beginning with stillness itself, we will meditate upon the word "still," and what it connotes before expanding into the silence it exudes (and how to capture both states of being in our prose and poetry). Through snow and ice we will trudge and pick apart the white space of the page to scrutinize the traditional symbolism of this "color" (or absence of color) before we surface into spring.


Sarah serves as a writing midwife by providing space to write in community. She offers literary examples for participants to study and assigns unique writing prompts designed to inspire both the novice and seasoned writer (these are often custom-tailored to meet the individual and collective needs each new classroom culture creates). Both poets and prose writers are welcome, as are all genres of writing (no snobbery here!). Come write your/our story. Small workshops of no more than 8 writers per Saturday guarantees the intimacy artists require to truly flourish.


$400 for the entire series (includes a 15 page critique) or $75 per Saturday. Please register by emailing us at





If you've noted the change in price please know how much we HATE having to do this, but with the current inflation impacting everything from the cost of rent to website prices to paper and ink to postage, the only way we can maintain the sliding scale and scholarship services we always offer to those in need, is to increase the price. The truth is we offer some of the cheapest workshops and author services there are, and we've been charging the same amount for the series since we first began a decade ago in 2013. We can make arrangements for payment plans if need be and please do inquire about financial assistance if you need it. If you happen to be in a position to donate toward the scholarship fund, please be sure to specify that you are doing so for tax purposes.


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