A Seasonally Inspired Creative Writing Series
A Six-Week Long Series
Sept. 19th Oct. 24th, 2020
Saturdays From 11:00 a.m.-2:30 P.M. Mountain Time
​ Week One: FUR | Sept. 19th Week Two: CLAW | Sept. 26th
​Week Three: FANG | Oct. 3rd Week Four: FERAL | Oct. 10th
Week Five: CAGE | Oct. 17th Week Six: ESCAPE | Oct. 24th
Culminating Ceremony & Celebratory Salon on Sunday, Oct. 25th from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Through a montage of writing exercises and customized ritual, just like Max did in Maurice Sendak's iconic children's book, we will escape the domesticated world to the place where the wilds things are; we will roar our terrible roars, gnash our terrible teeth, roll our terrible eyes, and show our terrible claws. We will explore our writing and the writing of others as it exists both inside and outside the bars of the cage; we will also consider the cage, asking what is cultivated and what is constructed by society? What is liberated and what is wild? What is free and what is imprisoned? We will compose words that sprout tufts of unruly fur with letters that bite and claw at the reader; we will investigate what it means to crawl across the page on all fours, what it's like to shit in the woods and suckle at the teat of the beast. We won't comb our hair or bathe, but we might pick lice from each other's bodies or groom ourselves via tongue and spit. Anticipate everything from outsider art to stories about vampires and werewolves. This is the space for the witch who lives on the outskirts of the village, for the hairy monsters who roam the woods, for the savage little girls who swing from trees and eat raw meat. This is the place where runaways hide and anarchy thrives. As writers we are forever tasked with capturing the human condition, but in this workshop we will do so by remembering that we too are animal.
This workshop is open to prose writers and poets alike just as it is for both the seasoned writer and the novice. Sarah Elizabeth Schantz serves as writing midwife to participants as they explore the territories of their craft and learn to liberate themselves from self-doubt and the seemingly ever-insistent inner critic.
For the sake of safety, this workshop will be held remotely using the technologies of Zoom, email, Track Changes/Google docs, and/or scanning. Space is limited to 8 writers per Saturday, but unlike past workshops where only locals can attend, anyone in the United States with Internet and a Zoom account (they are free) can join (video capabilities recommended). $300.00 for all six weeks (includes a 20 page critique) or $60.00 per Saturday.
Registration is open! Register now to guarantee a seat by either hitting the contact tab above or emailing us at writesofpassage13@gmail.com.
Sorry!!! This class is Sold Out!!!
We can put you on the waiting list if you so desire. Let us know if you'd like to be put on a early bird registration for the winter.