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The Garden | October 14th
The Tree | October 21st 
The Apple | October 28th 
The Snake | November 4th
Syzygy | November 11th 
Eve | November 18th 

alon & Ceremony | November 19th


All workshops are on Saturdays, from 11:00-2:30 MST via Zoom with the exception of the salon which is on the Sunday following the last workshop and is from 11:00-12:30 MST.

$400.00 for all six weeks plus a 15-page critique or $75 per Saturday (preference is given to those who can attend the whole series). To register please email us at

(W)rites of Passage strives to provide liberated space for those who choose to write with us.

Each Saturday has an individual sub theme designed to compliment the overall concept of "Eve's Fall." The thematic idea for this new series was born from the syzygy of two primary events: First, Sarah taught a women's literature class in the spring of 2023 where she discovered the fall of Eve repeating itself again and again in all the narratives by women so often covered in such courses (think of the Monster from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as a metaphor for Eve or Sylvia Plath's confession over a century later, "I have fallen a long way"), and secondly, because Sarah drew The Lovers card (with The Devil in tow of course) as the major arcana for all of 2023 when she did the New Year's spread for Tarot Tuesday, and received the message: Paradise is NOT lost. This seasonally-inspired workshop series will be a deep descent into the alleged Fall of Eve, and the way her mythology still serpentines around the storytelling of today, especially the stories told by those living in the margins of a culture whose desires are forbidden because only the white male is allowed to want. 


Sarah serves as a writing midwife by providing space to write in community. She offers literary examples for participants to study and assigns unique writing prompts designed to inspire both the novice & seasoned writer (these are often custom-tailored to meet the individual & collective needs each new classroom culture creates as well as fit the uniquely thematic ideas that encapsulate each new series). Both poets & prose writers are welcome, as are all genres of writing (no snobbery here!). Come write your/our story. Small workshops of no more than 8 writers per Saturday guarantees the intimacy artists require to truly flourish.



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